About Ryan C. Maher, DMD
Dr. Ryan Maher is a dentist practicing in Totowa, NJ, and surrounding areas. He graduated from UMDNJ (Rutgers) Dental School in 1997. He achieved a Bachelor of Science at Fairleigh Dickinson University in 1993. With his determination and focused studies he graduated both undergraduate as well as Dental school in 7 years. He is a member of the ICOI, AAID, AACO. Dr. Maher has set a goal to not only improve the quality of dentistry, but to provide an entire new era in dentistry. One that allows the patient to be an integral part of a dentist/patient team approach. Through this philosophy, dentistry can be delivered in a knowledgeable, safe, ethical manner. With his strong beliefs in ethical dentistry, Dr. Ryan C. Maher has authored “The Trooth in Dentistry,” a must read for all patients as well as dental professionals. Early in his career Dr. Maher pursued the surgical aspect of dentistry. He has achieved his Fellowship with the International Congress of Oral Implantologistis. In addition he has placed thousands of implants, performs bone grafting on a regular base and is skilled in surgical sinus lift procedures. His focus is not solely on surgery but cosmetics as well. He has completed many orthodontic corrective procedures with the help of Invisalign®. He has achieved Preferred Provider in the past. He was also awarded the opportunity to publish one of his more difficult cases with the American Academy of Clear Aligners. Among his accolades he has been awarded NJ Top Dentist twice as well as 201 Magazine Top Dentist. Dr. Maher has owned practices in Montclair, Hawthorne, Paterson, and Nutley. He currently owns offices in Totowa, Hackensack, and Sparta, as well as East Hanover, New Jersey. Throughout his career Dr. Maher worked in several different private practices, amassed countless hours of continuing education in both clinical dentistry and business management. He truly prides himself on giving back to his communities over the past 18 years and counting. He has helped families who have lost loved ones to tragedy, helped victims who have lost their homes to fire, helped struggling families to provide a better Holiday season. Dr. Maher has contributed physically and financially to his local police departments, fire departments, and local community school fund campaigns. He has helped contribute to the Veterans of the United States of America, to the Lupus foundation, to pancreatic cancer research, to Breast Cancer research, to Autism Awareness, among many other causes. He also traveled on a medical/dental mission to Nicaragua, and helped many individuals along the way. In addition to clinical practice Dr. Ryan C. Maher lectures throughout the nation on topics such as dental ethics and business management.