The Salmon Sperm Facial: What Are Polynucleotides, and Is This Trending Skincare Treatment Worth All the Hype?

Skincare just got more innovative with the introduction of polynucleotides, joining the ranks of snail slime and bee venom as the latest scientific frontier in beauty.
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Written by India Bottomley
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The Salmon Sperm Facial: What Are Polynucleotides, and Is This Trending Skincare Treatment Worth All the Hype?cottonbro-studios-4972975-pexels

If you thought skincare couldn’t get more innovative, think again. From snail slime to bee venom, scientists are constantly exploring new frontiers in skincare. Now, there's a new player in town: polynucleotides. Derived from an unexpected source—salmon sperm—this skincare treatment is making waves, particularly in the UK, where it has seen a surge in popularity. But what exactly are polynucleotides, how are they used, and is this trend something you should consider adding to your beauty routine?

When Did the Treatment First Become Popular?

Although it sounds cutting-edge, the use of polynucleotides in skincare isn’t entirely new. Polynucleotide-based treatments have been quietly gaining traction in Asia for several years, particularly in South Korea and Japan, where cutting-edge beauty innovations frequently originate. However, it was only recently that the treatment gained widespread attention in the UK and Europe. Social media influencers and beauty bloggers have played a significant role in this surge, documenting their experiences with the treatment and swearing by its skin rejuvenation properties. As with many beauty trends, the treatment's celebrity endorsements have amplified its popularity, making it the latest must-try in advanced skincare. Over recent months, the treatment has been making its way into dermatologists’ offices across the US, with skincare enthusiasts hailing it as the latest must-have addition for youthful skin.

What Are Polynucleotides?

At the core of this buzz is a molecule known as polynucleotides, which, in scientific terms, are made up of DNA or RNA chains. In simpler terms, these molecules provide essential support to your skin at the cellular level. Dr. Saami Khalifian, a board-certified dermatologist from SOM Aesthetics, explains, “Polynucleotides are beneficial for the skin because they promote hydration, reduce inflammation, and support the skin's natural repair mechanisms.” This makes them a gold mine for anyone looking to improve skin elasticity, reduce fine lines, or combat dullness.

The fact that these molecules are derived from salmon sperm might sound off-putting at first, but it’s worth noting that they’ve undergone extensive purification processes to isolate the beneficial components. Much like how collagen supplements are sourced from animal byproducts, polynucleotides are a valuable tool in the skincare arsenal, offering scientifically backed benefits that translate into smoother, more youthful-looking skin — without a fishy smell in sight!

What Does the Treatment Entail?

So, what does undergoing a polynucleotide treatment actually look like? Thankfully, the process is non-invasive. It typically involves the application of a serum or gel enriched with these molecules. Think of it as a supercharged facial, where the polynucleotides penetrate deep into the skin, delivering a surge of hydration and nutrients.

Unlike treatments that require recovery time, polynucleotide facials are quick, painless, and involve zero downtime. It’s often compared to a deep-conditioning treatment, but for your skin. According to Dr. Khalifian, “The procedure is akin to a deep conditioning treatment for the skin, providing essential nutrients and hydration without the need for invasive methods or lengthy recovery.” This means you can easily fit it into a lunch break and go about your day with glowing, rejuvenated skin.

Who Is a Candidate for This Treatment?

The beauty of polynucleotide treatments is that they’re suitable for a wide range of people. Whether you’re in your 20s and looking to stave off early signs of aging or in your 40s wanting to restore elasticity and smoothness, this treatment can cater to various skin needs. It’s particularly effective for those dealing with dryness, dullness, or fine lines, helping to revitalize tired-looking skin.

However, as with all cosmetic treatments, there are some caveats. Pregnant individuals, for example, should avoid this treatment due to the lack of studies on its safety during pregnancy. Likewise, anyone with specific allergies to the components of the treatment should steer clear. A consultation with a board-certified dermatologist is always recommended to ensure the treatment is right for your skin.

How Long Do the Results Last?

One of the most common questions surrounding polynucleotide therapy is the longevity of its results. Unlike more temporary treatments, the effects of polynucleotide facials tend to last for several months. Factors such as your skin type, environmental exposures, and how well you maintain your skincare regimen can all play a role in how long the glow sticks around.

Dr. Khalifian notes that “consistent treatment and proper skincare can help prolong the effects.” While the treatment provides immediate hydration and a noticeable glow, it’s the long-term benefits—smoother, firmer skin—that keep clients coming back. Typically, a full treatment plan involves several sessions over the course of a few months, with each session building upon the last for lasting results.

What Is the Average Cost?

If you're considering adding this trending treatment to your beauty routine, it's important to know the financial commitment involved. The cost of polynucleotide therapy can vary depending on where you go, but you can generally expect to pay between $200 and $500 per session. A complete treatment plan, which may involve multiple sessions, can increase the overall cost, but many clinics offer packages to help make the process more affordable.

In terms of value, the benefits of polynucleotide treatments—such as lasting hydration and the stimulation of your skin’s natural repair mechanisms—make it a more sustainable investment compared to quick fixes like superficial facials. While the initial outlay might seem steep, the long-lasting results could outweigh the need for more frequent, lower-cost treatments.

Where Can You Get This Treatment?

Currently, polynucleotide facials are primarily offered at medspas, dermatology clinics, and plastic surgery centers. As the treatment gains traction, more providers are beginning to include it in their service offerings.

In the U.S., the treatment is still in its early stages of popularity, but as word spreads and more clinics adopt the technique, it’s likely only a matter of time before it becomes as ubiquitous as microneedling or chemical peels. For now, you may have to do a bit of research to find a clinic in your area that offers polynucleotide therapy, but rest assured that it’s an option well worth considering if you’re serious about upgrading your skincare routine.

Is the Salmon Sperm Facial Worth the Hype?

At first glance, the idea of applying salmon sperm to your face might seem bizarre, but the science behind polynucleotides and their skin-rejuvenating properties is hard to argue with. From enhanced hydration to smoother, more resilient skin, this treatment offers a range of benefits that go beyond what many conventional facials can provide.

If you’re curious about trying the latest in skincare innovation and are willing to make an investment in your skin, polynucleotide therapy might just be worth the hype. With growing popularity and increasing availability, the salmon sperm facial could soon become a staple in advanced beauty treatments across the globe.

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INDIA BOTTOMLEYis a contributing writer for AEDIT.

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