About Harris J. Levine, DDS
Dr. Levine is proficient in all aspects of family and restorative dental practice especially cosmetic and reconstructive dentistry. His expertise in restorative dentistry combined with his expertise in special care dentistry for geriatric patients makes him a sought after dentist in both geriatric and family oral healthcare. He was the director of Geriatric Dentistry at the Plum Grove Nursing Home in Palatine, Illinois. His long experience treating this growing segment of our population has allowed him to meet the special needs of the aging patient. Dental treatment involves coordinating existing medical conditions and medications being taken with the necessary procedures for proper oral healthcare for elderly patients. Oral healthcare for geriatric patients involves many special needs, such as, root carries, dry mouth, removable prosthetics, the need for creative solutions for patients who are medically compromised, and of course extra TLC for the special needs of many geriatric patients. He carries this TLC to his care of patients of all ages. Dr. Levine received his B.A. and M.A. from Hunter College, CUNY, where he taught biochemistry and did research in the field of muscle physiology. He then received his B.S.D and D.D.S. degrees from the University of Illinois in Chicago, where he also taught Oral Anatomy and Oral Biology. Another special part of his practice, Dr. Levine has been using sign language with his hearing impaired patients for more than 35 years. After completing a course in Special Patient Care at the University of Illinois College of Dentistry, Dr. Levine realized the need for better communication techniques with the deaf community. He then learned sign language at the Chicago Hearing Society and continued with intermediate and advanced courses later in New Jersey to become proficient. In the past, a patient had to communicate with the dentist by lip reading and writing notes. Knowing sign language has enabled Dr. Levine to discuss all aspects of dental care and treatment with his deaf patients. Dr. Levine has always been active in his community. He has been a member of the Fort Lee Board of Health for 24 years and its president for the past 21 years. He has performed oral cancer screenings every year at Fort Lee's annual Health Fair. Dr. Levine is one of the original executive board members of the New Jersey Local Boards of Health Association and was its vice president for many years. Through his association with this group and his membership in the New Jersey Breathes Organization, he helped to bring anti-smoking legislation, through the Clean Indoor Act, to the New Jersey Legislature where it became the law of the state. He is also president and secretary of the Fort Lee Lions Club. Dr. Levine is also an accomplished magician, a member of The International Brotherhood of Magicians, as well as an avid golfer and sky diver. Dr. Levine sees patients weekdays and Saturdays in both Nutley and River Edge. Dr. Levine has been practicing Dentistry since 1979.