About Ricardo L. Rodriguez, MD
Dr. Ricardo Rodriguez has been practicing Plastic Surgery for over 25 years. He has performed thousands of Cosmetic and Reconstructive cases over the course of his career. These cases have included breast reconstruction, replants of fingers after traumatic injuries, skin grafting on burn patients and diabetics, as well as two decades of experience with the full spectrum of cosmetic surgery. In his private practice, Dr. Rodriguez specializes in multiple procedure makeovers, since he has expertise in performing procedures of the face, breast, body, and buttocks in the same operative session. His practice is now dedicated exclusively to cosmetic surgery, performing unique procedures such as the brazilian butt lift, body lift, lip lift, and endoscopic forehead lift, as well as traditional procedures such as breast augmentation and tummy tuck (abdominoplasty). Dr. Rodriguez combines a love of technology and new surgical techniques with a strong respect for the “tried-and-true” plastic surgery techniques that have been practiced for decades.