About Manjari R. Moktan, DMD
Dr. Moktan was working for other practices until she decided to take a direct part in the process of her patients' care. She started Moktan Dental Care in 2004 and it has grown rapidly into who we are today. Most of our growth has been primarily due to our patients' word of mouth. Dr. Moktan is a strong advocate of preventive dentistry. This is the best way dental care is optimized for affordability and excellent dental well being. Today's insurance industry encourages prevention and gets more expensive as treatments get more complex at later stages. Getting a handle on preventivie dental hygiene and early restorative visits is key to affordability. However, we understand patients have very busy schedules and things do get out of hand. We offer flexibility, multiple treatment options and no or low interest financing to help you out of the worst of situations. Dr. Moktan has a wealth of experience across international borders and while working as a house dentist for a local Chester county based community organization, CVIM. For complicated cases, she is able to refer patients to the best surgeons or specialists in the region.