About Golshan Mortezaiefard, DMD
r. Mortezaiefard incorporates her in depth training, attention to details and commitment to excellence to offer adults and children with optimal dental care you can trust. She is devoted to restoring and enhancing the healthy natural beauty of your smile for the rest of your life and providing patient satisfaction. Known for her gentle touch and caring manner, Dr. Golshan Mortezaiefard and her friendly professional staff provide quality dental services using the latest dental technology, at a comfortable, stress-free environment. Dr. Golshan Mortezaiefard has completed bachelor's degree in Pharmacology at UC Santa Barbara, Dental diploma education at Washington University in St. Louis, School of Dentistry; Residency program in Advance General Dentistry at New York University; Teaching experience as clinical Assistant Professor at Marquette University School of Dentistry ; Preceptorship Residency program in Advanced Root Canal Training and Research at the Post-graduate level Endodontics at Loma Linda University School of Dentistry.