About Douglas Henke, DDS
Dr. Douglas Henke completed four years of undergraduate education at Hope College (he earned a B.S. in biology). Following this, he received his D.D.S. degree from the University of Michigan in 1996. In 1999, he completed his specialty degree in Prosthodontics, and recieved a master’s degree (M.S.) from the University of Iowa in Oral Sciences. He has practiced in Farmington Hills since returning from his three-year residency. Whether a patient needs simple dentistry or very complex treatment, Dr. Henke treats their condition with an attention to detail that will achieve the best and longest-lasting results. Dr. Henke focuses on administering the ideal restorative and implant treatments so that each patient attains the optimal outcome.Dr. Henke is a member of the American Academy of Fixed Prosthodontics, the American Dental Association, the Michigan Dental Association, the Oakland County Dental Society and the Frances B. Vedder Society of Crown and Bridge Prosthodontics. He is a past president of the Oakland County Dental Society and a board member of the Frances B. Vedder Society. He has delivered lectures to many dental societies and study groups on the topics of complex dentistry and implant treatment. Dr. Henke is married to Natalie Henke, a General Dentist practicing in Ann Arbor. They have three sons. When he is not working at the laboratory in the evenings or on the weekends, he spends his free time with his sons playing sports such as hockey, lacrosse, golf, and basketball.