About Chonthida Athiprayoon, DDS
Dr. Chonthida Athiprayoon has been practicing in the San Jose area for over 20 years. Graduating with honors from the University of the Pacific, she earned her DDS (Doctorate of Dental Surgery) and was further trained in Orthodontics by the United States Dental Institute. She is a member of the ADA (American Dental Association), CDA (California Dental Association) and the Santa Clara Dental Society. Dr. Athiprayoon is trained in Orthodontics (braces) including Invisalign® which means she wants you to be satisfied with how your teeth look and function! You don't have to feel self-conscience when you smile when you can restore your self-esteem and confidence in 18 months or less. In her ""spare"" time when she's not ""striking"" out gum disease, Dr. Athi is an avid bowler and enjoys competing in tournaments.