About Ryan J. Cumby, DDS
Dr. Ryan J. Cumby practices with Dr. Mom, serving patients from the ages of 0-20. Dr. Cumby has been practicing for over 5 years. He graduated from Sacramento State University, completed a dental preceptorship at UCSF, and completed his dental degree at Meharry Dental College in Tennessee. Many of the patients have watched Dr. Cumby grow up at the practice and have welcomed him as their dentist now. He has a gentle touch and is very kind and funny. He has earned the Dentist of the Year award many times for the excellent service and craftsmanship work that he provides to his patients. Dr. Cumby and his beautiful wife have one daughter. He enjoys golfing, traveling, listening to music, and has become pretty good at DIY (Do It Yourself) home and office projects. Dr. Cumby is fulfilling his childhood dream of being a dentist.