About Noel W. Jackson, DDS
Allow Dr. Noel W. Jackson to share his passion of dentistry with you and to create a smile you will be proud of, that feels natural, and that expresses confidence and happiness. Residing in the Downriver area most of his life, Dr. Jackson is passionate about his profession and his community. Quality and kindness are the aspects that define his life and his dental practice. Professionally, Dr. Jackson promises to deliver gentle, quality, personalized dentistry. Continuing education is a vital aspect of maintaining modern and technologically advanced skills. Education and professional participation provide the framework for Dr. Jackson to maintain quality, state-of-the-art dental services. Dr. Jackson enjoys sharing his enthusiasm for and expertise in dentistry. He has taught several dental courses and is currently instructing American Dental Association-credentialed courses, changing the lives of other dentists and their teams. These include Over the Shoulder Cosmetic Dentistry, and Dental Photography for Patient and Laboratory Communication. Dr. Jackson’s personal time is spent with his wife, Debbie, and their three children, Erin, Noel David, and Luna. He enjoys traveling, bicycling, camping and an adventure of any sort! He loves his family, history, music, gadgets, tools and projects! He enjoys helping others and works to achieve change in the world and his own community.