About Arnaldo I. Direzze, DDS
Dr. DiRezze received an honors BSc degree from the University of Western Ontario in 1996 and his DDS degree from Case Western Reserve University in 2000. He began working immediately full time and in February 2002 started his own private practice. Dr. DiRezze quickly realized that he wanted to enjoy and excel in all aspects of dentistry so he dedicated his personal time to taking several hundred hours of continuing education . Early on Dr. DiRezze completed a post-graduate fellowship in Cosmetic and Esthetic Dentistry at SUNY Buffalo, and lately, he earned is Fellowship status in the ICOI, an international association for dental implants. The constant pursuit of dental excellence has brought to our patients the latest and greatest in dental technology. Dr. DiRezze has been on the leading edge of his profession and has shown competence in the fields of milled dental restorations, digital impressions, jaw vibration tracking, 3D x-ray technology, and most recently, 3D printing of dental appliances. Dr. DiRezze has always believed in helping others. He has dedicated countless hours to being a past dental director of the Paula Tutman Children’s ToothFairy Foundation, and has served in Lansing on the Michigan Dental Association's ‘Access to Care’ committee; a think tank as to how to better service the dental needs of underprivileged children across Michigan. Most recently Dr. DiRezze has been nominated to the Pierre Fouchard Academy and has been invited to lecture at the University of Detroit on the use of CT scan and other technologies in the dental office. In his office, Dr. DiRezze stresses the importance of dental fundamentals with the aid of enhanced x-ray techniques and the most sophisticated diagnostic tools that dentistry has ever had. It’s this unique combination that keeps Dr. DiRezze practicing dentistry with a passion and an excitement that his patients can notice. In his spare time, Dr. DiRezze enjoys traveling, fishing, swimming, and all sports with his wife Gina and two young sons Anthony and Giacomo.