About Tricia Beel, Aesthetician Specialist
My fascination with skin care products and makeup began when I was very young. I acquired all sorts of sticky peel-off masks, goopy creams, lotions and potions from my grandmother, who was an Avon lady. Curious by what the label promised, I would readily apply them to both myself and my friends, and wait anxiously for the twenty minutes of processing time to pass so I might see what sort of amazing skin transformation had happened underneath. More recently, I’ve been studying nutrition and the role that food plays on how we age and the health of our skin. I know I’ve been told “you are what you eat” since the first grade, but I’ve never truly believed it until now. What we put in and on our bodies not only affects how healthy we are on the inside, but it also affects how we look on the outside. Likewise, what we put on our skin can affect our health too, both inside and out. The skin is like a sponge – chemicals and preservatives are absorbed and can enter the bloodstream and our tissue, the same way that food does. As an esthetician, this knowledge is a little troubling. Have you ever read the ingredients of your average skin care product? Go ahead and take a look at one of your favorite hand creams, lotions, body creams, etc. and if you are unable to read and understand all the ingredients, there’s your answer. I’ve made it my mission to find chemical free, non-toxic ways to combat aging, acne, sensitized skin and other imbalances. I use nutritious, organic and natural products in my treatments in conjunction with safe, non-invasive modalities like ultrasonic and high frequency current. The results speak for themselves — beautiful, glowing, hydrated and nourished skin.