About Oma N. Agbai, MD
Dr. Agbai's top priority is delivering the highest level of medical care to her patients while providing a personal touch. She makes a special effort to call patients personally to deliver medical results and even to check up on them if they have a complicated condition. Dr. Agbai also aims to provide holistic skin and hair care from the inside out for people of all skin types and especially for those with skin of color. As director of the clinics for multicultural dermatology and for hair disorders, Dr. Agbai provides specialized, comprehensive care for all skin types. She also understands the structural differences of skin of color requiring highly specialized dermatologic care. Dr. Agbai treats conditions such as acne induced hyperpigmentation, hair thinning, melasma, and vitiligo, especially as these conditions relate to patients of color. Additionally, Dr. Agbai offers medical dermatology care and cosmetic procedures to patients of all skin types. Dr. Agbai has engaged in clinical research in pigmentary disorders and skin of color dermatology. She is a co-author on multiple scientific publications and book chapters related to these topics. Additionally, Dr. Agbai has presented at national scientific meetings relating to her clinical and research interests. She also appears regularly as a contributor on the television program "Good Day Sacramento" on the topics of skin and hair.