About Nerio Camargo, Tattoo Specialist
The name of Nerio Camargo has become a synonym for elegance, vocation for beauty and above all, the certainty to experiment a high quality of service. He was born in May 15th, 1970. During his childhood, Nerio Camargo expressed interest in art and dedicated to develop his artistry in the world of painting. This way, he channeled his restless character and started investigating and fusing different philosophies on beauty. Architectural studies allowed this make-up artist the essential foundations to interpret himself. Also, a vast and successful experience in international hotel procedures shaped his personality until he was converted into high service entrepreneur. When Nerio Camargo made his studies in professional make-up, he knew that was going to be his profession for the rest of his life. Nurtured experiences in this field have made him coordinate an innate talent for esthetics and good taste, with an avant-garde instinct.