About Lacey B. Walls, DO
Dr. Lacey Walls is a Board Certified Dermatologist practicing in our Huntersville and Concord offices. She specializes in medical, procedural, and cosmetic dermatology. Her professional interests also include dermatopathology. Her professional memberships include the American Osteopathic Association, American Osteopathic College of Dermatology where she holds an active position on the Board of Trustees, American Academy of Dermatology, and American Society of Dermatopathology. Dr. Walls joined our practice in October, 2018. Her patients know her for her optimistic and cheerful personality and long standing passion for dermatology. Her goal is to positively influence her patient’s lives by treating their skin, hair, and nails. Her special interests include complex medical dermatology, prevention and treatment of acne, hair loss, botox cosmetic, and soft tissue augmentation with dermal fillers. Dr. Lacey Walls resides in Huntersville, NC with her husband and enjoys spending all her free time with her family and golden doodle, Louie.