About Christina J. Thompson, DMD
Dr. Thompson is a 2006 Honors graduate, Magna Cum Laude, of Boston University Goldman School of Dental Medicine. She earned her Bachelor of Science degree in Molecular, Cellular & Developmental Biology from the University of California, Santa Barbara. In addition Dr. Thompson received special recognition form the Omicron Kappa Upsilon Dental Honor Society in 2006, and is the recipient of the Eleanor J. Bushee Senior Student award for academic excellence and Outstanding Leadership, by the American Association of Women Dentists. Continuing education for Dr. Thompson includes Level IV Proctorship with California Center for Advanced Dental Studies (CCADS) in 2011, CCADS Levels I,II & III live patient courses in Smile Design in 2009, Biolase certification in 2008, Invisalign certification in 2008, John Kanka DMD course on Aesthetic and Adhesive Dentistry in 2006, Boston University Symposium on Dental Aesthetics 2005, Las Vegas Institute course on Posterior Aesthetics 2003, & Pac-live Anterior Aesthetics course in 2001. Dr. Thompson is a proud member of the American Dental Association (ADA), California Dental Association (CDA) & Orange County Dental Association (OCDS). In 2006 Dr. Thompson was honored to be the first student at BU to participate an international externship providing free dental care to the underserved communities in Central America. Since then she has served as part of the NEVOSH humanitarian trips to various regions in Nicaragua every January from 2006 thru 2011. For her service Dr. Thompson received Citations from the state of Rhode Island and from Rhode Island Governor Donald L. Carcieri, in recognition to commitment and dedication to provide medical care to disadvantaged people in Nicaragua. On the invitation of the office of the first lady of Panama, Marta Linares de Martinelli, Dr. Thompson has has lead successful NEVOSH dental missions to Panama in 2012, 2013 & 2014. Dr. Thompson spends most of her time outside of the office with her husband, Neil and their two cats, Oscar and Nuni. In her spare time, she enjoys traveling, snowboarding, hot yoga and spending time with friends.