About Nichole Doss, Aesthetician Specialist
After a full circle career (14+ years) in the skin care industry as an a Master Esthetician, Nichole Doss is now the proud founder of CBQ Facial Beauty Bar. During her career, Nichole began to realize healthy skin really does begin with your daily environmental surroundings and habits which directly affect what is on the inside just as much as what is on the outside AND vice versa. Our skin is the largest organ in our body; if we are conscious about what we eat, we should equally be mindful of what we put on our skin. Everything that you put on your skin gets absorbed into your bloodstream and might affect your system. As a result, she has carefully designed an extraordinarily pure skin care program, setting the standard way above and beyond the competition. This program promotes outstanding results without the need for injecting toxic substances, paying for highly priced treatments or even going under the knife to obtain the benefits of beautiful and radiant skin. ALL our treatments & products are natural, but also include an array of methodically selected professional tools and equipment that further enhance each individual’s results. With Nichole’s proper guidance and client’s commitment, the relationships she holds with her clients have proven to be nothing short of highly regarded & respectful. She has established an honest reputation for holistically nurturing all her client’s needs and concerns in the most healing and relaxing environment possible.