About Helen Donatelli, MD
Dr. Donatelli has a passion for aesthetic medicine, anti-aging and preventive healthcare. She takes time to study each patients needs and concerns when the patients voice their dislike of certain problems they encounter as a result of aging. She has sought ways of correcting these changes and has spent much time searching for solutions to problematic concerns of patients, especially body changes associated with the aging process. She is considered an expert in non-surgical cosmetic medicine.Dr. Donatelli formulates a treatment plan utilizing a combination of modalities. Skin care programs, deep and superficial peels, laser treatments and mesotherapy are customized to each patient's needs. She seeks the most cost-effective, efficient means of correcting the problem with the least amount of downtime.Dr.Donatelli earned her medical degree from Rush Medical College, Chicago, IL,1981 and did her residency at the University of Ilinois Hospital in Chicago, IL, Dr. Donatelli specializes in non-surgical procedures, facial and hand rejuvenation, and has formulated methods to restore damaged skin to healthy skin.Her definition of beauty is glowing skin that reflects inner beauty and wellness. She also utilizes hormonal and nutritional supplementation to promote health.