About Christine N. Mcginn, DO
Dr. McGinn is a Plastic Surgeon whose formal training was tailored specifically to transgender surgery in addition to all aspects of both General and Plastic Surgery. Since her own transition in 2000, she has been an activist and speaker on gender variant issues. She is the founder of Papillon Gender Wellness Center, a comprehensive gender support center that includes a variety of professional services in addition to Plastic Surgery. The focus of Dr. McGinn's practice is not only providing plastic and reconstructive surgery services, but also to promote the importance of a holistic approach to the care of gender variant individuals to include preventive medicine, research, community outreach, primary care and therapeutic support systems. Of special interest to Dr. McGinn are long-term outcomes to gender confirmation surgery and contra-hormone therapy as they relate to improved quality of life and sexual health for gender variant individuals. Dr. McGinn is on staff at two hospitals in the Philadelphia area. She is often called upon by universities and medical schools to help train students and faculty about transgender medicine. She currently serves on the National Advisory Council in Sexual Health to former Surgeon General David Satcher, MD; in this role she helps foster understanding of gender variance by promoting the inclusion of gender studies into the realm of education and research. She has a history of working to dispel the negative perceptions of transgenderism by being very open about her personal experiences including her service as Flight Surgeon for two NASA shuttle missions while serving in the US Navy from 1991-2000. Actively pursuing transgender medicine, Dr. McGinn presented at the 2003 International Conference of Gender Dysphoria in Belgium: ""Surgical Outcome Survey: Sex Reassignment Surgery in MTF transsexuals"", as well as ""Rethinking Phalloplasty: Feasibility of utero-conversion"". She also contributed to The Science of Orgasm, co-editing the chapter 'Atypical Orgasms'. Through Papillon Center, Dr. McGinn has offered lectures and training to high schools and businesses alike. She has spoken dozens of times over the last several years, raising awareness and acceptance for transgenderism. She operates out of Lower Bucks Hospital in Pennsylvania. Dr. McGinn has also served as a Transgender Medicine Expert Witness in an alimony case heard in Philadelphia.