About Byron C. Knowles, MD
Dr. Byron Knowles’ current clinical practice encompasses a broad base of patients ranging from general dermatology, complex medical dermatology, cosmetic dermatology, and surgical dermatology. Dr. Knowles was born and spent his early life in the Bahamas. He moved to the United States at the age of 17 to attend Dillard University in New Orleans, graduating summa cum laude with a Bachelor of Science in biology, chemistry, and a minor in mathematics. He subsequently obtained his Doctor of Philosophy (PhD) in Cell and Developmental Biology and Doctor of Medicine (MD) at Vanderbilt University. Dr. Knowles’ post-graduate medical education started at Santa Clara Valley Medical Center as a transitional intern and continued at UCLA Medical Center where he began his dermatology residency as a STAR Research Fellow. Dr. Knowles completed his dermatology residency at UCSF Medical Center. Dr. Knowles continues to utilize the most effective and current treatment for his complex medical dermatology patients. In his spare time, he enjoys cycling, bouldering, weightlifting, sketching, and listening to science fiction audio books.