Traditional Mid-Forehead Brow Lift

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The traditional midbrow lift is a type of brow lift that involves an incision in the forehead crease which allows for easier concealment of scarring. This technique allows for precise lifting of the forehead and placement of the eyebrows.

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The Skinny

Average Recovery

10 days




Surgical Procedure




$4000 - $7000

The Specifics

What is a traditional mid-forehead brow lift?

A traditional mid-forehead brow lift is a permanent surgical procedure creating immediately noticeable results. Similarly to a direct brow lift, a Traditional MidForehead Brow Lift makes an incision within an existing forehead crease about 3cm above the indentation between the nose and eyes (rather than within the hairline as seen in other techniques). Changes to excess skin and underlying muscle corrects a heavy and sagging brow for a refreshed appearance. The results of this procedure will change over time as the effects of natural aging reappear.

What cosmetic concerns does a traditional mid-forehead brow lift procedure treat?

  1. Aging & Tired Eyes: Traditional mid-forehead brow lifts can rejuvenate the eye for a more youthful appearance by correcting brow position and removing excess skin.
  2. Forehead Shape & Size: A traditional mid-forehead brow lift enhances the appearance of the forehead by improving tone, tightness, and skin appearance.

Who is the ideal candidate for a traditional mid-forehead brow lift procedure?

The ideal candidate for a traditional mid-forehead brow lift is an individual with a thick forehead crease (for camouflaging the postoperative scar), and men with male pattern baldness as this procedure does not affect the hairline. A traditional mid-forehead brow lift is not recommended for patients without deep forehead creases to hide scarring, or those with low frontal hairlines.

What is the average recovery associated with a traditional mid-forehead brow lift procedure?

Wound healing following a traditional mid-forehead brow lift usually takes seven to ten days. Bruising, pain, and swelling improve significantly over the first week or two. Cool packs and elevation of the head can mitigate swelling. Sutures or staples will be removed after five to seven days. Immediately following the procedure the forehead may appear over-corrected, however, the results will naturally relax into a better position throughout recovery. Recovery time varies, however, most candidates are comfortable in public after two weeks and makeup can be applied after one week.

To better understand the healing and downtime associated with the procedure, check out our complete guide to brow lift recovery.

What are the potential side effects of a traditional mid-forehead brow lift procedure?

Possible side effects from a traditional mid-forehead brow lift include visible scars, excessive swelling, bleeding, changes in sensation, and infection of incision sites.

What can someone expect from the results of a traditional mid-forehead brow lift procedure?

A traditional mid-forehead brow lift creates noticeable and permanent alterations to the forehead, brow, and eye appearance immediately following the procedure. A traditional mid-forehead brow lift rejuvenates the upper third of the face by toning, tightening, and smoothing forehead and brow skin. Repositioning a heavy or sagging brow wil create a more refreshed appearance.

What is the average cost of a traditional mid-forehead brow lift procedure?

A traditional mid-forehead brow lift procedure can cost anywhere from $4,000 to $7,000. The actual cost of a traditional mid-forehead brow lift is dependent upon location, board certified plastic surgeon, and length and involvement of the plastic surgery. Learn more in our [complete guide to brow lift cost](


  • Selective Skin Excision
  • Precise Brow Elevation


  • Scarring
  • Brow May Descend With Time

Invasiveness Score


Invasiveness is graded based on factors such as anesthesia practices, incisions, and recovery notes common to this procedure.

What to Expect

The traditional midbrow lift involves an incision in the forehead crease which allows for precise lifting and easier concealment of scarring. Here is a quick guide for what to expect before, during, and after a traditional midbrow lift.

The Takeaway

A traditional mid-forehead brow lift is a forehead lift procedure with permanent results. The incisions in this brow lift technique are made within forehead creases rather than the hairline. The results will naturally change with aging over time.

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Source List


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  1. Sarit Cohen Forehead Lift Using Botulinum Toxin; 2018-02-15
  2. Barry L Eppley Forehead/Brow Reduction or Augmentation with Custom Implants for Enhanced Facial Profileplasty; 2019-10-01


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