Coronal Brow Lift

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A coronal brow lift, more commonly referred to as a forehead lift, is a procedure used to create a more refreshed appearance to the face by removing the excess sagging skin around the forehead and repositioning underlying muscle and tissue. This leads to the correction of a heavy or sagging brow and restores a more youthful contour to the upper third of the face.

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The Skinny

Average Recovery

10 days




Surgical Procedure




$10500 - $14000

The Specifics

What is a coronal brow lift?

A coronal brow lift or a forehead lift is a permanent surgical procedure to refresh, restore, and rejuvenate the forehead, brow, and eyes. A coronal incision from ear to ear within the hairline is used to expose underlying muscle and remove excess skin. Hair follicles are not damaged during this type of incision. This technique allows the surgeon to get a clear, comprehensive visual of the internal structures for significant adjustments. A coronal brow lift will produce scarring, however, it should mostly be hidden within the hairline.

What cosmetic concerns does a Coronal Brow Lift procedure treat?

  1. Aging & Tired Eyes: A coronal brow lift reduces the appearance of a heavy or sagging brow by removing excess skin to enhance the eye appearance and improve the look of the upper eyelid.
  2. Forehead Shape & Size: Removal of excess skin and changes to underlying muscle in a coronal brow lift reduces sagging or heaviness of the brow and rejuvenates the skin of the forehead.

Who is the ideal candidate for a coronal brow lift procedure?

The ideal candidate for a coronal brow lift has undesirable furrows or frown lines in the forehead area, a heavy brow, or furrowed lines above the nose. A coronal brow lift is most commonly performed in individuals 40 to 60 years of age. A coronal brow lift is not recommended for women with high hairlines, balding men, or those with a history of male pattern baldness.

What is the average recovery associated with a coronal brow lift procedure?

The initial wound healing from a coronal brow lift typically takes 10 to 14 days. Bruising, pain, and swelling mostly resolves in this time as well. Bandaging, cool compresses, and elevation of the head can help to mitigate swelling. Sutures/staples and the drain will be removed after one week. While recovery time varies, most patients feel comfortable in public after two weeks and makeup can be worn after one week.

To better understand the healing and downtime associated with the procedure, check out our complete guide to brow lift recovery.

What are the potential side effects of a coronal brow lift procedure?

Possible side effects from a coronal brow lift include scarring, swelling, hair loss, bleeding, pain, changes in sensation, infection at the incision sites, and elevation of the frontal hairline.

What can someone expect from the results of a coronal brow lift procedure?

A Coronal Brow Lift produces immediately noticeable and permanent enhancements to the facial aesthetic. A coronal brow lift rejuvenates the eye and forehead area by toning, tightening, and smoothing skin. By correcting a heavy or sagging brow, candidates can expect a more youthful contour of the upper third of the face.

What is the average cost of a coronal brow lift procedure?

A coronal brow lift procedure can cost anywhere from $10,500 to $14,000. The actual cost of a coronal brow lift is dependent upon location, board certified plastic surgeon, and length and involvement of the plastic surgery. Learn more in our [complete guide to brow lift cost](


  • Incision Hidden In Hairline
  • Good Access To Forehead Muscles
  • Permanent
  • Minimal Scarring


  • Elevation Of Frontal Hairline
  • Does Not Correct Brow Asymmetry
  • Invasive

Invasiveness Score


Invasiveness is graded based on factors such as anesthesia practices, incisions, and recovery notes common to this procedure.

What to Expect

A coronal brow lift is a surgical procedure that removes excess or sagging skin in the upper third of the face to restore a more youthful appearance. Coronal refers to the location of the incision, which is placed just behind the hairline from ear to ear. Here is a quick guide for what to expect before, during, and after a coronal brow lift.

The Takeaway

A coronal brow lift surgery is a permanent procedure to refresh and restore a youthful appearance of the brow, forehead, and eyes. This brow lift technique involves an ear to ear coronal incision within the hairline for maximum visualization of underlying muscle. Recovery time is generally a few weeks.

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  1. Huang W, Rogachefsky AS, Foster JA Brow Lift with Botulinum Toxin PubMed; 2000-01-01
  2. Barry L Eppley Forehead/Brow Reduction or Augmentation with Custom Implants for Enhanced Facial Profileplasty; 2019-10-01


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