Butt Augmentation with Implants

A butt augmentation with implants is a plastic surgery procedure to enhance the contours and appearance of the buttocks.

Butt Augmentation with Implants Overview - 796

The Skinny

Average Recovery

5 months








$5000 - $14000


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Butt Augmentation with Implants Before, Male 58 - 436Butt Augmentation with Implants After, Male 58 - 436
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The Specifics

What is a butt augmentation with implants?

A butt augmentation with implants is a plastic surgery augmentation procedure to enhance the volume, appearance, and contours of the buttocks. While a Brazilian butt lift is considered a more “natural” cosmetic procedure, for those who do not have sufficient fat for fat grafting with fat transfer, silicone gel implants (or another type of implant) can provide volume and shape enhancements along with body contouring.

There are four different incision techniques that can be utilized in a butt augmentation with implants procedure, and the most appropriate technique for an individual candidate will be determined through consultation with a plastic surgeon.

What cosmetic concerns does a butt augmentation with implants procedure treat?

  1. Buttocks Shape & Size: A butt augmentation with butt implants improves the shape and size of the buttocks with insertion of synthetic implants.

Who is the ideal candidate for a butt augmentation with implants procedure?

The ideal candidate for a butt augmentation with implants is in generally good health and is looking to enhance the contours and appearance of the buttocks. Also, individuals seeking butt augmentation who do not have enough fat for a Brazilian butt lift. A butt augmentation with implants is not recommended for those who do not have severe skin laxity or excessive gluteal sagging.

What is the average recovery associated with a butt augmentation with implants procedure?

Complete recovery from a butt augmentation with implants procedure can take several months, however, the acute recovery period typically lasts three weeks. Patients are advised to neither sit nor sleep on the implants for two weeks. Most individuals return to work and some activities after two weeks. Exercise and sex should be avoided for eight weeks.

What are the potential side effects of a butt augmentation with implants procedure?

Possible side effects following a butt augmentation with implants include bruising, infection, numbness, asymmetry, pain, deep vein thrombosis, and implant complications.

What can someone expect from the results of a butt augmentation with implants procedure?

The results of a butt augmentation with implants procedure are immediately noticeable, permanent improvements to the appearance and contours of the butt. The final results will be affected by significant weight gain or weight loss.

What is the average cost of a butt augmentation with implants procedure?

A butt augmentation with implants can cost anywhere from $5,000 to $14,000. The actual cost of butt augmentation with implants is dependent upon location, board certified plastic surgeon, and length and involvement of the plastic surgery.


  • Any Size Implant
  • Any Patient


  • Significant Pain
  • Long Recovery
  • Costly

Invasiveness Score


Invasiveness is graded based on factors such as anesthesia practices, incisions, and recovery notes common to this procedure.

What to Expect

For patients who desire a fuller, rounder, or more defined buttocks, implants can augment the butt for a more contoured body shape. Here is a quick guide for what to expect before, during, and after a butt augmentation with implants.

The Takeaway

A butt augmentation with implants procedure uses silicone gel implants to augment the size and shape of the butt for improved volume and contours.

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  1. Mayo Clinic Staff Breast Reconstruction with Implants mayoclinic.org


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