Published: January 27, 2021
Last updated: February 18, 2022
The Skinny
Content Reviewed by AEDIT Medical Advisory Board
Penis size, penis look, and scrotal appearance, are major components of men’s health. Let’s be honest, men care about the size of their penis. While your penis size and it’s correlation to your sex life are not strongly supported, penile length and penile diameter can psychologically be correlated to sexual dysfunction. All concerns over penile function should be addressed with your medical provider first. For those considering a male enhancement procedure, there are numerous surgical techniques to address a myriad of penile concerns.
The Specifics
What is the anatomy of the penis and scrotum?
Let’s start with the anatomy basics. The penis can be divided into the dorsal surface (front of the penis when flaccid) and ventral surface (back of the penis towards the scrotum when flaccid).
The body of the penis (penile shaft) contains three separate structural columns that fill with blood during sexual stimulation to cause erection. The corpus spongiosum is midline on the ventral aspect. The end of the corpus spongiosum forms the glans penis (head of the penis). The two corpus cavernosa lie parallel to each other in the dorsal aspect. The epithelial tissue (skin) is not firmly attached to the underlying anatomy allowing it to slide freely. The urethra carries both urine and ejaculate to the meatus (opening at the tip of the penis).
The scrotum contains the testes which produce sperm and the epididymi that store sperm. The scrotum, hanging outside the body cavity, allows sperm to exist at a lower temperature than the body. Sperm leave the scrotum via the vas deferens which passes through secretary glands to join the urethra inside the prostate gland, and ultimately exit the penis through the meatus.
What are the main cosmetic concerns related to penile health?
So now that we’ve got a general idea of the internal structures, let’s consider possible concerns related to the appearance and function of the penis. Keep in mind concerns relating to function need to first be discussed and addressed by your medical provider. Penile implants are generally not considered first line therapy for ED.
Who may wish to seek treatment to improve their penile health?
Let’s keep it real, we’re not going to tell you why you might want to improve your penile health. We will, however, remind you cosmetic procedures for penile health are for aesthetics. Functional concerns related to penile and scrotal health need to be addressed by your medical provider prior to a discussion with a plastic surgeon.
How can someone cosmetically enhance their penis?
If you are considering cosmetic procedures to improve your penis size or alter your scrotum, there are a few different surgical techniques depending on your concern. Penis enlargement, scrotoplasty, and penile implants can alter aesthetics, and, in some cases, assist with sexual dysfunction.
For a deeper dive into the treatment options listed above, check out our guide to Penis Enhancement Solutions.
The Takeaway
Penis enhancement procedures for penis size and surgical techniques to alter scrotal anatomy can address multiple concerns related to penile aesthetic. The penile implant procedures for sexual health can also be performed by a plastic surgeon, however, they should first be discussed with your medical provider. Male enhancement procedures can increase penis size, alleviate sexual dysfunction, and alter the scrotal anatomy.
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Source List
+AEDIT uses only high-quality sources, including peer-reviewed studies, to support the facts within our articles. Read our editorial process to learn more about how we fact-check and keep our content accurate, reliable, and trustworthy.
- H Wessells Penile length in the flaccid and erect states: guidelines for penile augmentation
- Aglaja Valentina Stirn Body modifications and sexual health : Impact of tattoos, body piercing and esthetic genital plastic surgery on the sexual health of women and men; 2017-09-06
- Marlene Rankin Resumption of sexual activity after plastic surgery: current practice and recommendations; 2007-11-01

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