
Scrotoplasty can tighten the excess skin and muscle tissue around the scrotum, and often leads to increased sexual confidence and less physical discomfort in many men. This outpatient surgical procedure is considered safe for good candidates, produces permanent results, and can cost up to $6,000.

Scrotoplasty Overview - 1092

The Skinny


A scrotal lift procedure may also be called scrotoplasty, scrotum tightening, or scrotum reduction surgery. It is an invasive surgical technique that involves removing excess scrotal skin to improve the appearance and comfort of the scrotum. A man’s scrotum may become elongated and stretched because of natural aging, genetic predisposition, physical injury, or other trauma. Having a loose, stretched scrotum can lessen a man’s confidence and self-esteem, detract from the quality of his sex life, and cause chronic pain and discomfort.

This article describes the goal of scrotal lift surgery, the benefits associated with it, and who makes a good candidate for having it performed. Some details of the operation are discussed, the risks and possible side effects, and what you can expect during the recovery period after this generally safe, outpatient procedure.


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The Specifics

Goal for Scrotal Lift Surgery

Many men are self-conscious and displeased about the shape and size of their scrotums. This is a very private area of the body, and so, a lot of men feel embarrassed to talk about it. However, as time goes on, many find that excess skin on the scrotum makes them less confident in the bedroom, and also causes them discomfort or pain when jogging, horseback riding, riding a motorcycle, or other similar activities.

Therefore, the goal of scrotum lift surgery is to improve the appearance and comfort of the scrotum by treating stretched scrotal muscles and skin.

Benefits of the Procedure

Many men are interested in a scrotum reduction surgery because it offers various benefits and few drawbacks. Some of the benefits of a scrotal lift procedure are:

  • Reduces the need to hold the testicles when using the toilet or squat over the commode to avoid scrotal contact with the water
  • Relieves testicular pain during exercise that is caused by stretched scrotal skin and muscle tissue
  • Stops scrotal tissue from getting displaced in athletic clothing or trapped in a bicycle seat
  • Contributes to testicular support during intercourse and ejaculation
  • Often improves self-confidence and enhances the sex life
  • Improves the aesthetic appearance of the scrotum

This routine surgical procedure produces significant and permanent changes that effectively result in a new scrotum. When a man has a scrotum reduction surgery, his sexual partner is often also pleased by the aesthetic results.

Ideal Candidates

The American Board of Plastic Surgery reports that men of all ages can be good candidates for scrotoplasty. However, the best candidates tend to have:

  • Concerns about scrotal shape and size that lower self-esteem or sexual confidence
  • Discomfort or pain in the scrotal area when performing routine physical activities
  • Stretched or excess skin of the scrotum caused by injury, trauma, or aging
  • Realistic expectations about the procedure, its benefits, and risks
  • Good overall mental and physical health

Discuss your candidacy for this male enhancement procedure with a licensed urologist or plastic surgeon who specializes in it.

Risks and Side Effects

You should realistically expect mild-to-moderate pain, swelling, bruising, and discomfort for the first few days after scrotoplasty. The doctor will give you pain medications and anti-inflammatory drugs to help you manage these symptoms. You will also likely be prescribed an antibiotic to help fight off post-surgical infection. Surgically elevating the scrotum may change the surrounding muscle's ability to position the testicle and may result in sterility or decreased viability of sperm.

The best way to avoid unpleasant side effects after a scrotum lift is to choose a highly skilled surgeon and to closely follow the doctor’s pre- and post-operative instructions. Doing so will minimize your risks for botched results, adverse side effects, and complications after the surgery.

Steps of Scrotal Lift Surgery

Several different surgical procedures can be used for scrotal reconstruction, determined by the unique needs of the patient. Some men require only a small incision at the base of the penis and the simple excision of excess skin that restores the natural position of the scrotum. In cases like this, a local anesthesia agent normally suffices to keep the patient pain-free during the surgery.

Other patients may require a more aggressive surgical approach that includes tightening of the cremaster muscle, which is attached to the spermatic cord and raises the corresponding testicle when contracted. This type of surgery may require twilight anesthesia, which is a smaller dose of general anesthesia that would be used to achieve complete unconsciousness.

Some men also require skin grafting to reinforce and strengthen scrotal skin or muscle that has been stretched extensively. The surgery procedure is usually performed under twilight anesthesia and IV sedation drugs. It takes between 30-60 minutes for a board-certified plastic surgeon to perform, depending on the level of complexity and various patient-specific factors.

When the doctor has finished the surgery, the patient is moved into the recovery suite in the surgery center and monitored for any developing complications while coming out of the effects of the anesthesia and sedatives.

Aftercare and Recovery

Be sure to arrange to have someone drive you to and from the hospital or surgery center. You may need someone to stay with you for the first night or two. Swelling, bruising, and mild pain is common after scrotoplasty, especially during the first week. Many surgeons recommend using an ice pack to help keep swelling and pain down.

The doctor will prescribe pain medications, antibiotics, and anti-inflammatory drugs as needed to help manage your recovery symptoms. Most patients receive dissolvable sutures that require no removal, but you will still need to return to see the surgeon in follow-up visits to ensure proper healing. The final results of this surgery take 2-3 months to manifest.

You will be advised to refrain from strenuous exercise, work, or sexual activity for 6-8 weeks, depending on how well your body heals. However, light activities like walking are encouraged after a day or two. The total time it takes to recover depends on your state of immunity, nutritional levels, medical history, and other personal variables.

The Takeaway


It is not uncommon for men to develop stretched muscles and excess skin around their scrotums. Unfortunately, some men keep this information private because they feel embarrassed to talk about it, or perhaps, believe that the condition is not as common as it is. In effect, they end up trying to live with chronic pain, discomfort, anxiety, and lessened self-confidence about their appearances. This often also leads to decreased desire to have sex, and self-consciousness during sexual situations.

Scrotoplasty can cost more than $6,000, depending on various patient-specific variables. Further, because having excess scrotal skin is not life-threatening, and the condition is not usually caused by a medical condition, the surgery to correct it is not generally covered by health insurance. Ask your healthcare provider to be sure. If it is not covered, you might be able to finance the operation via a third-party credit entity or in-house financing that may be available from the surgeon you work with.

This surgery is invasive but considered safe for most who have it performed. The scarring is well-hidden under the scrotum and most men report long-term satisfaction with the results they achieve. There is a risk for decreased sperm viability and mobility, but most patients feel the trade-off is worth it.

Some men have other surgical procedures performed at the same time as scrotoplasty. For instance, some men opt to have testicular implants placed while the surgeon alters the size of the scrotum. Other patients may want a tummy tuck, a “double-V scrotoplasty” procedure to repair congenital penoscrotal webbing or other procedures that change the appearance of the external genitalia.

Remember the importance of selecting a board certified plastic surgeon or licensed urologist who has extensive experience performing this type of plastic surgery procedure. Additionally, following before and aftercare instructions will go a long way toward helping you recover as quickly and effectively as possible.

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