What It’s Really Like To Get A Scrotal Lift
We're answering the most common questions about scrotoplasty and speak to two patients about their experience with the procedure.
While it may not be as readily discussed as Botox® or gynecomastia, the rise in men seeking cosmetic treatments extends below the belt. When it comes to getting surgery ‘down there,’ scrotal lift surgery (a.k.a. scrotoplasty), a procedure that removes excess scrotal tissue to leave the area tighter and more lifted, is increasingly popular. Aside from the aesthetic appeal, the procedure can also resolve functional concerns such as discomfort while exercising and during sex. Here, we answer the most common questions about scrotoplasty and speak to two patients who have undergone the procedure.
What Is Scrotoplasty?
A scrotoplasty, also known as scrotal lift surgery, is a procedure designed to reduce the size of and reposition the scrotum. Due to genetics, aging, or trauma, the scrotum can become elongated. An elongated scrotum can impact both aesthetics and function.
Depending on the patient, the surgery, which is generally performed under local anesthesia on an outpatient basis, may involve removing excess tissue, tightening the cremaster muscle, and/or tissue grafting for structural support. There is usually minimal scarring, and it will fade with time.
Candidates for Scrotoplasty
Men who are experiencing a loss in elasticity in their scrotal tissue that is leading to discomfort, pain, or loss of confidence may all be candidates for the procedure. Not all men will experience this pain or discomfort as they age. It’s thought that both genetics and lifestyle play a role in determining whether or not an elongated scrotum will develop.
The procedure can also be prescribed for men who have certain medical conditions. Varicocele, for example, causes blood to pool in the testicles, which, in turn, leads to sagging. The combination of stretched scrotal tissue and a short spermatic cord can cause painful ejaculation. For those with these types of medical concerns, a urologist may need to provide treatment before plastic surgery is an option.
Scrotoplasty Recovery & Results
You will generally be advised to rest up for three days following a scrotal lift. Pain and swelling are common, but it should be mild and manageable with the medication. During the initial downtime, physical activity should be limited. Some swelling may persist for about three months post-op. Around this time, you should be able to see the final results of the surgery. Any scarring will continue to fade for about a year.
The results of a scrotal lift are permanent, though the natural aging process will continue. As long as aftercare instructions are followed carefully, there should be no need for revision surgery.
Patient Perspective
Like many penile enhancement and genital rejuvenation procedures, scrotoplasty is gaining popularity for men seeking both functional and aesthetic benefits. We spoke to two patients about their experience with the procedure. Their names have been changed.
Jon, New York City
Jon opted for scrotal lift surgery after a medical condition led to his scrotum losing elasticity at a young age.
The AEDITION: How was your scrotal lift surgery?
Jon: The main thing I would like to flag to anyone reading this and considering having the procedure is that it doesn’t hurt all that much. When my doctors first mentioned the prospect of potential scrotal surgery my first thought was: This is really going to hurt. The procedure is very quick. I believe my surgery took around an hour. I was sedated but did not have general anesthesia, and I went home as soon as the RN was okay with me leaving.
The AEDITION: What did the recovery process entail?
Jon: The first two days were uncomfortable. I was also sleepy. I just took it easy, kept putting ice packs on my crotch area that was sore, and took pain meds. After those first two days, it got a lot easier. I had occasional discomfort for a couple of weeks or so and then it settled down pretty much completely. I had the surgery six months ago, and I’m seeing the final result of it now. There is a small scar, but it’s not obvious.
The AEDITION: Are you happy with the results?
Jon: My expectations were somewhat different because I had the surgery as a result of another medical condition, not to simply change the appearance of my genitals. I’m really happy with the ‘functionality’ that has been restored. I’m in very little to no pain whatsoever now. Before the surgery, I would struggle with working out, sex was painful, and I was generally self-conscious of how I looked. It’s been a success when it comes to resolving those issues for me.
Sydney, Atlanta, GA
Sydney was undergoing a series of rejuvenation procedures as part of a birthday gift to himself when he turned 60. He chose a scrotal lift because he wasn’t happy with the appearance of the area as he aged.
The AEDITION: How was your scrotal lift surgery?
Sydney: I had the procedure as part of a couple of others, so I had general anesthesia and stayed in the hospital for a couple of days afterward. I believe this isn’t necessary for everyone, particularly if you have it as a standalone surgery. I was generally in a fair bit of pain after the surgery, but I can’t remember that area particularly standing out. For me, the main piece of advice I would share is to be sure you have clear notes from the hospital with aftercare instructions and be clear on who will be there to help you with that.
The AEDITION: What did the recovery process entail?
Sydney: I was fortunate to have loved ones around to look after my wellbeing while I got back on my feet. There was general pain and discomfort but nothing too bad. The scar is small and healed quickly. It has now faded well.
The AEDITION: Are you happy with the results?
Sydney: I am. I had the procedure as part of a few other surgeries and the whole process has given me back confidence and made me feel much less depressed at the prospect of aging. My genital area does not look like I’m young again, but it’s now not part of my body that I’m ashamed of. I think that’s something people deserve at any age.
The Takeaway
Whether it’s performed to restore function or to improve the aesthetic of the area, a scrotoplasty is a genital rejuvenation procedure that lifts and tightens the scrotum. Consulting with a board certified urologist or plastic surgeon will determine if you are a candidate for the surgery.
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