Is This New Breast-Lifting Procedure Right For You?
BreastTite employs radiofrequency energy to lift the breasts, and it may be an ideal alternative for women looking for a little boost.
There’s a new breast rejuvenation option that’ll soon be popping up in doctors offices: InMode’s BreastTite, a procedure that uses radiofrequency (RF) energy and fractional technology to lift the breast (think: millimeters to centimeters) with minimal downtime. While not a one-to-one swap for a traditional breast lift, it can be an alternative for women in search of a quick and subtle firming solution for breast sagging — sans the scars that come with surgery. In fact, Jacob Unger, MD, a board certified plastic and reconstructive surgeon in Nashville, TN, who recently performed the procedure on Paula Abdul, calls it “the Botox® of the breast.” Here’s what to know before you book your appointment.
What Is BreastTite?
Much like leveraging Thermage® (RF) and Ultherapy® (ultrasound) for the chest, BreastTite is a minimally invasive breast rejuvenation procedure that employs radiofrequency technology to remodel and tighten the skin envelope to lift the entire breast. And since it usually only requires three small incisions per boob, it does so without leaving behind noticeable scars.
“Typically, this is a fairly quick procedure that involves utilizing standard tumescent solution (which is used for liposuction) and then using the BodyTite cannula to import the energy to the breast,” Dr. Unger explains. “The next step is a small amount of liposuction to remove any excess fluid.” The third and final step: A round of Morpheus8, InMode’s microneedling with radiofrequency treatment.
Frequently Asked Questions: BreastTite Edition
Now that you have a better sense of how it works, it’s time to get into the nitty gritty. From ideal candidates and cost to recovery and results, we’re breaking down everything you need to know about BreastTite.
Who Is an Ideal Candidate for BreastTite?
Folks with good quality skin (i.e. decent elasticity and not too much sun damage) who want a slight lift are the ideal candidate for BreastTite. “I think the best patients for this technology are those that are young with minimal ptosis — or drooping — of the breasts and whose breast size is a C-cup or below,” explains Kelly Killeen, MD, a double board certified plastic and reconstructive surgeon at Cassileth Plastic Surgery in Beverly Hills. “These patients would not be good candidates for surgery, so it's a nice option in this situation.” Other patients BreastTite can benefit? Those seeking more symmetry between the nipples, Dr. Unger shares.
What Is the BreastTite Procedure Like?
If you are getting BreastTite alone, the procedure can be performed awake with local anesthesia. “The patient will feel a small amount of discomfort from the injection of the numbing medicine before making the small incisions to add the numbing fluid,” Dr. Unger says. The sensation is best likened to increased pressure, and it dissipates quickly. From there, the procedure takes about an hour.
How Long Does It Take to Recover from BreastTite?
One of the biggest selling points of a radiofrequency-assisted breast lift is the minimal downtime associated with it. The average recovery time is seven to 10 days, with patients generally experiencing a bit of soreness and bruising. “Many women feel they can return to work in one or two days,” Dr. Unger says.
What Are the Results of BreastTite?
Perhaps the most important thing to consider before opting for BreastTite is whether or not the subtlety of the results will satisfy your aesthetic goals. The results don’t tend to be dramatic, which means it doesn’t take the place of a surgical breast lift for women with larger breasts who are looking for significant elevation. Dr. Killeen says benefits tap out at about a 20 percent improvement on the high end, so she doesn’t consider it a go-to option for many of her patients.

That being said, Dr. Killeen does recommend it in certain cases — specifically to women with smaller breasts that want a bit of lift. Another candidate? “I also think it's a nice adjunct for women undergoing liposuction breast reduction to help tighten the skin as much as possible,” she adds. While some report that results of an RF breast lift last for years, Dr. Killeen finds her patients need to repeat the protocol every 18 to 24 months to maintain the effect.
Similarly, Dr. Unger says it's important to manage expectations. “While it does not have the power of a surgical intervention that can completely reshape the entirety of the breast, it does create this subjective sense of a more youthful and tighter overall breast,” he explains. For patients, that often manifests as an increased comfort level with the perkiness of the chest. “Women typically describe for me that they feel much more comfortable lying in bed and not wearing a bra in general after this treatment,” he says.

One of the big benefits of the BreastTite results? You don’t have to worry about ending up with an uneven outcome. “Since the two breasts typically have very similar skin quality, I would expect a similar response to the technology in both breasts,” Dr. Unger explains.
How Much Does BreastTite Cost?
Depending on the patient, provider, and location of the procedure, BreastTite procedures usually start around $7,000 and can run upwards of $12,000. You can learn more about the price of invasive and non-invasive breast lift procedures in our guide to breast lift cost.
The Takeaway
For the right candidate, BreastTite can offer a natural-looking lift and firmness without the same incisions or recovery time associated with more traditional mastopexy. Consulting with a board certified plastic surgeon can help to ensure you receive the best treatment protocol for your anatomy and aesthetic goals.
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