About Mona Z. Mofid, MD
Dermatologist Dr. Mona Z. Mofid serves the greater San Diego community in private practice with Sharp Community Medical Group and proudly volunteers as the Medical Director for The American Melanoma Foundation. Dr. Mona received her medical degree from The Johns Hopkins School of Medicine and completed her training at The Johns Hopkins Hospital, which is internationally recognized as one of the world’s most prestigious medical institutions. After completing her training, she joined the faculty at Johns Hopkins, where she was appointed the Clinic Director of Dermatology and became the youngest president of The Maryland Dermatologic Society. She has authored numerous scientific papers about the skin and is widely sought after for lectures internationally. Dr. Mona is currently a diplomate of The American Board of Dermatology and is regarded as one of America’s Top Dermatologists by several agencies. In addition to receiving numerous accolades for her compassionate care, Dr. Mona has been recognized as a “Health Hero” by the Combined Health Agencies, “Woman of the Year” by The American Biographical Institute’s Board of International Research, and most recently voted by patients as the “Top Specialist” within Sharp Community Medical Group.