About Carol E. Tetenbaum, MD
Dr. Carol E. Tetenbaum has been practicing medicine for 25 years. She is board certified in Internal Medicine and has extensive experience in the use of Botulinum injection products and dermal fillers. She is certified by the Aesthetic Enhancement International Institute in performing Botox and Dermal Filler treatments. Dr. Tetenbaum is a solo practitioner in her Scarsdale office and is an attending physician at White Plains Hospital in Westchester County, New York. A Cornell University graduate, Dr. Tetenbaum received her medical degree from Downstate Medical Center and did her residency at the Jack D. Weiler Hospital of the Albert Einstein College of Medicine and Jacobi Medical Center. She worked for a women’s medical center on Long Island before establishing her own practice in Westchester. Our aestheticians are licensed and have years of experience providing quality services to clients. Among their range of expertise are comprehensive skin analysis, microdermabrasion treatments, chemical peels, customized facials (deep cleansing, anti-aging, brightening, special facials for men), body treatments and waxing.