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Vitenas Cosmetic Surgery

Medical Doctor

Houston, TX

We cannot over emphasize the importance of the artistic component in cosmetic surgery. It is, above all else, the defining feature of this type of work.

Practice Statement

At Vitenas Cosmetic Surgery, our sole focus is dedicated to the fine art of plastic surgery. We strive to create beautiful, proportionate, natural-looking aesthetic results for each patient who comes into our office. Our team of aesthetic professionals is committed to providing a mix of both traditional and cutting-edge techniques in the safest possible environment, always with the greatest attention to detail. We share a singular goal: to deliver the highest level of personalized care. Our team truly believes that every patient is unique; therefore, everyone deserves a custom-tailored treatment plan designed around their individual needs and desires


Vitenas Cosmetic Surgery

4208 Richmond Avenue


Houston, TX 77027



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