About Thomas K. Lee, DDS
Dr. Thomas K. Lee grew up in the Chicago area and received his BA from Northwestern University in Evanston, IL, followed by his DDS Degree from the University of Illinois, College of Dentistry in Chicago, IL. He completed his General Practice Residency (Hospital Dentistry) training in Fresno, CA at the University Medical Center. He practiced as a general dentist in Sacramento, CA for a year before coming to the Los Angeles area to further his training at Advanced Prosthodontics Residency program at the UCLA School of Dentistry and West Los Angeles VA Medical Center. Upon finishing his residency, Dr. Thomas K. Lee was appointed as the director of the Advanced Education in General Dentistry (AEGD), a post-DDS ADA accredited residency at UCLA School of Dentistry. Dr. Lee worked as a full-time faculty at UCLA from 1995-2001, seeing the program he directed expand from 2 residents to 14 residents per year. In addition to part-time practice limited to Prosthodontics at the UCLA Faculty Dental Practice, Dr. Lee engaged in research activities, served as a team dentist for the UCLA Athletics Department Football Team and as Interim Director of the UCLA Venice Dental Center for 3 years.